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8/01  My Battles Against JoOusama 12

The way I see it is that probably, she's been taking off the slippers and leaving it naturally after she's been through with her business, without thinking at all. But wouldn't that be too incovenient for others that come after to use the bathroom, eh?

To be Continued ...


8/02  My Battles Against JoOusama 13

Imagine yourself opening the bathroom door to walk in, when you find the toes of the slippers facing your way as if to say 'Hi, there'. Heeeeeyy!!

To be Continued ...


8/03  My Battles Against JoOusama 14

In order to put on the bathroom slippers, you'll have to turn yourself approximately 180 degrees around before stepping into the bathroom, and then tuck your feet into the slippers backwards taking care that you won't hit your toes on the threshold.

To be Continued ...


8/04  My Battles Against JoOusama 15

Or you will have to take a step forward actually stepping on those slippers and turn halway around on them, then use some high techiques to puff up the slippers with your toes which has been squashed down by your weight, in order to put them on.

To be Continued ...


8/05  My Battles Against JoOusama 16

Now this is distress.

Why because generally thinking, it's mostly a physiologically pressing situation, when we usually take the trouble to make an action, to get up and move ourselves to those cells called bathrooms.

To be Continued ...


8/06  My Battles Against JoOusama 17

And what if such a roundabout situation was coming up ahead ... ?

To be Continued ...


8/07  My Battles Against JoOusama 18

I'm a fine (?) adult, so I don't think such thing could happen. I don't think it would happen, but what if ... what if by any chance, I couldn't make it in time and get my feet wet, while I was dillydallying trying to put those slippers on, eh?

To be Continued ...


8/08  My Battles Against JoOusama 19

I do think such things won't happen, but who can say that there's absolutely no chance of it happening?

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8/09  My Battles Against JoOusama 20

That's why it's become common knowledge to people (in Japan), to generally take off and leave the bathroom slippers with its heels facing the door as courtesy to others, so that it won't be incovenient to those that come after hasn't it, eh? And you, JoOusama, you're such a ... .

To be Continued ...


8/10  My Battles Against JoOusama 21

Moreover, she leaves those slippers apart from the bathroom door, waaaaaay apart.

To be Continued ...


8/11  My Battles Against JoOusama 22

I think I've written before, but JoOusama is the kind of person who brings up her deadly techniques of 'leaving things be', never thinking about other people's usability. So I battled against her, trying to make her leave those bathroom slippers like the way it should be. For ... about a year.

To be Continued ...


8/12  My Battles Against JoOusama 23

But no matter how many times JoOusama's left the toes facing the door, no matter how far apart from the door she leaves them, I took the slippers off and kept leaving them approximately 10 inches from the door with its heels facing the door, whenever I used them.

To be Continued ...


8/13  My Battles Against JoOusama 24

As for JoOusama, she'd never even cared about how those slippers were left, so for a while they were taken off and left faaaaar from the bathroom door, its toes facing the opposite side, even after I'd fixed them a hundred times.

To be Continued ...


8/14  My Battles Against JoOusama 25

However, I also stuck stubbornly to my style of leaving the slippers, with an iron will that 'I won't give in'.

To be Continued ...


8/15  My Battles Against JoOusama 26

In this Caterpillar family, we won't especially be saying complaints to each other about the way the bathroom slippers are left (since proper conversation do hardly exist), so what was there were just days and days of silent 'battle' between me and JoOusama, in a closed cell called bathroom.

To be Continued ...


8/16  My Battles Against JoOusama 27

Then one day, there came a day for JoOusama to finally notice, that I have been leaving the slippers in a way apparently different from her's.

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8/17  My Battles Against JoOusama 28

And JoOusama who must have thought 'who do-ya-think you are to go against my style, you little brat,' started to act repulsively against me acting repulsively against her, taking off and leaving the slippers even further from the door, or kicking them around in different directions.

To be Continued ...


8/18  My Battles Against JoOusama 29

Well, I guess it's her way of being assertive.

To be Continued ...


8/19  My Battles Against JoOusama 30

JoOusama who usually wanted to take control over others, got pissed off by my repulsive behavior not following her way at all, acted sharply against me right down the line. Though I still didn't give in to her, ha ha.

To be Continued ...


8/20  My Battles Against JoOusama 31

Then after a while of her rebellious stage, JoOusama perhaps came to think it's such a bother, finally gave up her repulsive reactions, having noticed that I still would not change my attitude no matter what she did.

To be Continued ...


8/21  My Battles Against JoOusama 32

Now, this would be the time of my victory. Though it's actually only my one-sided opinion ... .

To be Continued ...


8/22  My Battles Against JoOusama 33

My 'battle' which lasted for about a year seemed worthwhile, since JoOusama finally seemed to have learned the trick somehow, to leave those bathroom slippers not far from the door these couple of years. If it were in Dragon Quest, the classic of role-playing video games, I guess it would be like Ta-ra-rat tat-tat-taaa, JoOusama has become level 25!

To be Continued ...


8/23  My Battles Against JoOusama 34

Though the slippers are left sideways with its heels facing the wall, when seen from the door ... .

Oh well, I guess that's good enough. I compromised a bit about the which-facing-which part. Besides, continuing on my 'battle' with JoOusama isn't that easy after all.

The End


8/24  Mikeco, the Cat 1

On August 1st, one of the residents of this house Mikeco the cat, has left for heaven.

To be Continued ...


8/25  Mikeco, the Cat 2

After Mikeco has suffered from anal gland rupture in late April, she recovered temporarily however, she fell sick again at the end of June and after about a month of fighting, she passed away.

To be Continued ...


8/26  Mikeco, the Cat 3

I think it was around when June was halfway over. Mikeco started to lose her appetite, and thinking that it could be because of her glands getting filled with fat again, I took her to the usual veterinarian. And just as the month before, I had her fat squeezed out of her glands.

To be Continued ...


8/27  Mikeco, the Cat 4

Last month she regained her appetite after she got her fat squeezed out, though this time I don't know why, but she didn't seem to get any better. Instead her appetite grew smaller and smaller, until at last she stopped eating anything ... .

To be Continued ...


8/28  Mikeco, the Cat 5

Actually, Mikeco hardly ate anything for about a week when she got the rupture, and since I got what-for by the doctor that 'a cat's week is a man's month', JoOusama and I tried in every coceivable way, giving her various things from juicy canned cat food, or savory snacks of chicken fillet jerkies, or Niboshi (dried sardines) hoping that she would eat something.

To be Continued ...


8/29  Mikeco, the Cat 6

But although Mikeco tries to eat them in answer to our offers, every time she takes a bite it seems to make her feel sick and she throws up.

To be Continued ...


8/30  Mikeco, the Cat 7

Of course, I rushed JoOusama to take Mikeco to the veterinarian sooner (well, sooner for me) this time before a week has passed by, since I've learned a lesson the last time. But the cause of her not eating, was still not appreciably known at this moment.

To be Continued ...


8/31  Mikeco, the Cat 8

It was a few days later, when I took Mikeco to the vet once again, for she seemed to be getting worse day by day.

The doctor told me that she had a considerably bad liver, and she was in a rather critical condition.

To be Continued ...
