

2007/ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

12/01  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 12

Wooow, there's so much dust around this motor. I guess no one's ever cleaned here before. Well, you see, this fan was a secondhand article that I've brought home from Cow's place, since they weren't gonna use it any more. Now be happy fan, you're gonna be clean and bright as brand new(^-^).

To be Continued ...


12/02  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 13

Saying something like that, I removed all those dust-mans that were clinging on to the motor, dried the white plastic cover after washing it clean with some detergent, and cleaned the fan from the bottom to the top. Now look, it's spick-and span!

To be Continued ...


12/03  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 14

Okay, so let me attach this head part back to the neck again with these screws ... . Huh??? The head was screwed on all right, but what's this ...? Well, the head oscillates sideways as it did before that's all right, but isn't it supposed to shift back and forth, too? Uh-oh.., it dosen't moooooovve!!

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12/04  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 15

What did I do wrong, what did I do wroonngg???? I panicked.

After that, I took off the head and put it back on again over and over, continuing on my process of trial and error a number of times for about ... 3 hours. Until I finally realized that I had made a blunder.

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12/05  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 16

There was a helical compression spring on the neck side connection of the fan while a torsion coil spring sat on the head side, to control the movement of the head so that it shifted back and forth in 5 different positions, though unfortunately, I had completely forgot to check where the end of the torsion coil spring was attached to when dismounting the head ... .

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12/06  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 17

Oh no, I've done it again. I've got a mountain of faults, and one of them is that I always move before thinking about the consequences. I can't tell you how many times I've screwed things up because of it, not to mention that sometimes ending up in an absolute disaster ... .

To be Continued ...


12/07  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 18

Every time I set the head on the neck, the head seemed to jolt back. It does drop down when I pull the head forward, but the next second it jolts back on its own with a rattling sound as I let go of my hand, looking up at the ceiling again ... .

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12/08  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 19

I've taken the trouble to clean the fan, now it just won't work like this. What am I gonna do?

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12/09  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 20

The neck and the body part was connected on a cord, so I held steady the body part with my feet while I held the head in my hands, repeating the process of attaching the head to the neck, dismounting it, then putting it back on again until I was exhausted. Ater all, I had been struggling for more than 3 hours. I felt like crying.

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12/10  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 21

However, however. As I was carrying on my trials and errors after I'd finished supper, there was the aid of Heaven ... . Perhaps even God must have felt a little a sorry for me, tears, tears. A brilliant idea suddenly hit me like a flash, which I wonder why it hadn't occured to my mind until then.

To be Continued ...


12/11  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 22

I didn't notice, but it looks like there's another part attached to the connection! Could it be, that everything's gonna be fine if I dismounted this part from the neck, attached the head on to this part, then mount the whole unit on to the neck connection? Woooh!! Doesn't that mean that it also would be much easier to thrust in the end of the torsion coil spring too ... ?

To be Continued ...


12/12  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 23

Holding a faint hope and also a touch of anxiety, since it was no one but me who had driven myself into such a difficult situation, getting carried away taking off the parts one after another without much thinking, I decided to take the plunge. I took off the part and inserted the head part into it and Oooohhh!!!

To be Continued ...


12/13  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 24

It went smack-on!!! Great, that's just GREAT!!

That night, I was planning go to bed early since I still had a mountain of other things to do the following day, but despite such circumstance and the pressure that I had to finish cleaning by 9;30 p.m. at the latest, the fan regained its original appearance in less than 10 minutes after I've restarted the fixing after supper!

To be Continued ...


12/14  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 25

I hate to be persistant, but I really was glad to have been able to put the fan back together.

I put away the screw drivers and vacumed all the dust-mans on a good note. And just as I have been thinking, "let's take a bath now, I'll have to wake up early again tomorrow," I noticed that I had been scooped by JoOusama ... .

To be Continued ...


12/15  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 26

Ooooh not again! I hurried so much to cut down time as much as I could in doing all the dishes including JoOusama's, cleaning around the kitchen stove, and repairing the oscillating fan (well, actually it was me who had broken them down in the first place though), only to get to bed early that night!!

To be Continued ...


12/16  The Case of the Fan Mutilation 27

And I end up like this again!? Forced to wait until JoOusama finished her luxurious bath time, not being able to go to sleep until the usual time? Oh, gee, cut me some slack will ya?

So that's how my sleeping hours are taken away, tears tears (T-T) ... .

The End


12/17  Were My Goals Accomplished? 1

December has been already halfway through and it seems there's a little left to go for this year. So I'd like to look back and see if I've been able to accomplish my goals that I've set at the beginning of this year.

And my goals were as follows.

1. Achieve guitar skills.
2. Get this website up and running.
3. Pull my life together and be a better caterpillar.

To be Continued ...


12/18  Were My Goals Accomplished? 2

Those were rather vague goals, though(^ ^;). Well, let's start from "1. Achieve guitar skills".

To be Continued ...


12/19  Were My Goals Accomplished? 3

About a week after the New Year's Day, I pulled out my electric guitar which my friend had left me and started practicing. However, facing cold reality of not even being able to do the finger stretching before the actual exercises, I nearly gave up from the start. But somehow I held on and as I practiced every day, I became able to play a tune called "Photograph", a killer tune from the UK rock band Def Leppard. Some of you might already know up to here, since I've written about it before.

To be Continued ...


12/20  Were My Goals Accomplished? 4

Well, then, have I become able to play that tune "Photograph" with effortless abandon? Hmmmnn, to be honest no, not yet ... .

I'm afraid that someone might feed me "not ye!?" since I've already written the same thing in summer, but the last part of the guitar solo is a no-win anyhow(T-T). If I can only get over this part, it would almost be honed to perfection. It's just that little phrase ... .

To be Continued ...


12/21  Were My Goals Accomplished? 5

And so, although I'm ashamed to say this, I still can't play a single tune properly ... .

But I did expect it to take plenty of time to make an improvement after all, and since I've become able to play the other part without much problems, wouldn't it be all right to say that my guitar skills improved from where I've started? Therefore, I think I'm going to make this one "Acomplished".

To be Continued ...


12/22  Were My Goals Accomplished? 6

Be that as it may, I still intend to carry on my guitar practice for I wish to increse my level. And although I tend to skip a day between practice recently because of my busyness, who knows, my repertory might expand at a burst by around this time next year, to about 5 tunes! My imagination is running wild ... .

Now, about my second target, "2. Get this website up and running".

To be Continued ...


12/23  Were My Goals Accomplished? 7

I have to say it's rather difficult to judge if this was accomplished or not ... . I'll try comparing my access traffic data of January and November this year anyhow ... hmnnn, it doesn't seem to make much difference(T-T).

To be Continued ...


12/24  Were My Goals Accomplished? 8

Err? Ah, but wait a minute. I checked the data thoroughly and found out that the number of visitors in a day has slightly rised than that of January! As for the total number of visitors which must be a gross number, this increased too, bringing 279 more visitors to my site compared to January! Regarding a month as 30 days and dividing the number of people with it, that makes an increase of 9.3 persons per day in average.

To be Continued ...


12/25  Were My Goals Accomplished? 9

Of course, these numbers are no match in comparison with popular sites that has hundreds and thousands of visitors per day. Still to me, it's a happy surprise to know that so many people come to see my site and I'd like to have this opportunity to thank you all. m(_ _)m

The submits on the message board also cheer me up. Though I dent on the contrary, when there aren't any or when it's a spam.

To be Continued ...


12/26  Were My Goals Accomplished? 10

Since the goal itself was vague, it is rather difficult to judge if it was accomplished or not, but with the increase of the number of visitors to my site, I think I'd like to accept it as "accomplished!" again.

Last of all, about my biggest challenge of this year "3. Pull my life together and be a better caterpillar".

To be Continued ...


12/27  Were My Goals Accomplished? 11

When I had set this goal, I've written that "I am determined to pull myself together and start living my own life again." . Hmmnn, so I was determined ... . This, too seems difficult to judge if it was accomplished.

However, this year I got myself a job and made a come back to the society. Though it doesn't assure me with a steady income, since it's just a small business I started on my own.

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12/28  Were My Goals Accomplished? 12

Still, I think it's a progression to have a little income, compared to the nonproductive zero-income life that I had been leading. At least, now I can afford to buy my commuter pass (^ ^;). I feel quite pathetic with myself, but my transportation expenses has been relying so far on the Passnets my aunt brought me as a gift, so I think that gets me a step closer to being self-organized.

To be Continued ...


12/29  Were My Goals Accomplished? 13

In that sense, I'd forcefully like to make this target too, "accomplished!".

However, looking back on the "Murmurs" of January 7th this year, I've written that "I'm gonna be safe and happy at my own place next New Year ... hopefully" which unfortunately is not yet accomplished, as of today ... . (T-T)

To be Continued ...


12/30  Were My Goals Accomplished? 14

Moreover, when looking at the "pull myself together" part, yes, economically my life seems to have become a little better than before, but my mentality or my behavior still seems to be a succession of bumbles that I think is far from being a "pulled together" better Caterpillar ... .

So I think I'll keep struggling, well at least a little with this, too in addition to the already mentioned "achieving guitar skills".

To be Continued ...


12/31  Were My Goals Accomplished? 15

While I have been blabbering about my targets of this year, it seems like the last day of 2007 has come by already. I wish each and every one of you, a very happy new year. And if you happened to have just a little bit of time and mind to spare, I would be gratified if you'd watch over me with gentle patience. m(_ _)m

The End
