
3/01  Relief

6:15 p.m. Turned out that Thursday has somehow become a busy day. Haven't had time to update, take a cigarrete break, take a potty break, anyhting.

Must run. As a grown-up, can't let my bladder burst here in the office.

6:19 p.m. Ahhhh. Relief.

The End


3/02  V. I. Warshawski Series

3:45 p.m. Have been into Sara Paretsky's V.I. Warshawski series for a while, and have finished reading "Hardball," which I managed to find at a local library.

I've got library cards from several different libraries, one from my neighborhood, others on my commuting route. The problem is, that I've already read all the Warshawski books I can find in these libraries that there aren't any left to read... Haven't been able to find "Bloodshot" and "Body Work" in those libraries. Have submitted a request for the books to be purchased, not to mention, but so far they haven't shown up on the New Books list. Oh, boy. Do I have to buy them on my own?

The End


3/03  DNAs

2:42 p.m. A friend I met at last week's reunion has sent me some photos of our classmate. She'd told me before that he'd become a doctor in Kanazawa, got married and have children now.

Wow. The sender did inform me beforehand that the children resembled their father who is our mutual friend, but these pictures are really... That's why people are so fascinated by DNAs, I guess.

The End


3/04  Weird

11:23 p.m. March 4th, ending. Tempretaure has dropped again and rain started to fall in the evening.

Realize it was exactly a year ago when I nearly screamed finding Obaba half drowned in the bath tub. So much seem to have happened since then. So many changes. Yet my life seems to go on as if nothing has changed. Actually, we're having the cinerary ceremony next week, down at the temple where grandpa's grave is. Weird, really.

The End


3/05  Funny Dog Video

3:07 p.m. The usual Karapayer stuff. Have already seen it before but can't help laughing when I see it again. Denver Official Guilty! Dog Video

Denver's in the penalty box, Denver's in the penalty box! Macy, you let it happen. I hope you're happy, too.

The End


3/06  Couple of Things to Add

3:44 p.m. There are a couple of things I'd like to add about Denver, the world's most famous guilty dog that I put a link to yesterday. Her owner who shot the video is a sheriff, the video has earned more than 4 million hits on YouTube, the song in the background of the video happened to be titled "Forgive Me For What I've Done," and finally, Denver has a long criminal past according to the sheriff's wife.

3:59 p.m. Have come across an impressive video right now on the 3.11 earthquake, but am going to save it for Sunday.

The End


3/07  Bone-fluenza

1:13 p.m. While two of my clients were down with the flu, Cow claimed he had a bone-fluenza. Apparrently, he'd stuck a fishbone in his throat.

When I came in this morning, he reported with relief that he'd been to a nearby otolaryngologist, to get the fishbone removed. Wasn't expecting it to be such a big deal since have never been to clinics to remove a stuck bone myself, though it's good he's recovered from that bone-fluenza.

The End


3/08  The New iPad

2:13 p.m. Looks like the new iPad has been released. I saw it on TV this morning.

Is it only me who think that the release events of Apple after the death of the charismatic ex-CEO, has been rather disappointing? After all, the new iPad just upgraded a few things, which don't seem so dazzling or innovative as the time when they'd released iPods, iPhones, or iPads. Wonder if Apple's stock prices are falling a bit.

The End


3/09  iPad's Name

4:25 p.m. Didn't know that the new iPad's name actually was "the New iPad."

What kind of product name is that? What are they going to call the model that comes after it? The "Newer" iPad? Or does this mean that Apple is not going to release any further models for iPad?

The End


3/10  Les Romanesques

1:49 p.m. I was going to write about Google's newly launched project, Crisis Response, but Cow has suddenly remembered seeing an interesting Japanese duo on TV yesterday, called Les Romanesques. Currently, they're supposed to be the most famous Japanese in France.

2:06 p.m. Have just seen them on Cow's lap-top. Awe. They're awesome. Am very much convinced now, that their video has been the most viewed in France, also fourth most viewed in the world.

The End


3/11  Arigato from Japan

12:42 p.m. Must go to the temple for Obaba's burial. Have just got out of the shower and JoOusama tells me we're leaving at 12:50...great.

9:09 p.m. Ceremony and dinner finished without trouble. Relieved. There must have been all sorts of ceremonies going on across the nation today. It's been a year since that day when the earthquake struck. From the bits and pieces of facts I've gathered from the media, I assume that life hasn't actually got back to normal in the areas that suffered the biggest damages, unfortunately, rather far from it. Still, I'd like to put a link to this video to tell that people are striving, encouraged, appreciating the helping hands reached toward us from all over the world. Arigato from Japan.

The End


3/12  Edie

3:19 p.m. For those who have seen the Arigato from Japan video, you might already know how much it means to have help and support when in times of need.

Here's another one that shows what we can do with our"omoi-yari," warm-hearted love. Edie -rescued an hour before eutanasia.

The End


3/13  Give Me Five!

3:04 p.m. Cow has been watching AKB on his lap-top again. Today he seemed to be trying to figure out if the girls are really playing in "Give Me Five," which isn't so hard to see.

While searching, Cow has come across a bunch of videos submitted by band players, and one of them turned out to be quite enjoyable. Mutsumi662233 is a drummer, obviously with enough technique to show us a great performance. Hope you enjoy this video. Believe me, I did.

The End


3/14  That's My Sister

4:02 p.m. Have somehow come across a webpage of my elementary school back in the U.S. There were a lot of class pictures uploaded from the late 50s to the recent years. I took a peek wondering if I could find one of my class.

Unfortunately, there wasn't any of my classes' photo from 78 to 81, however, have unexpectedly found one of my sister's class. I took a close look at every face in the photo trying to pull out what was left of my vague memory, to see if I recognized any of them. After some time I came to a familiar face. I knew this girl, definitely. She's, she's... oh god. That's my sister.

The End


3/15  Orfevere Starting Season

2:54 p.m. The impressive training of Orfevere, last year's triple crown winner, has glued the reporters at Rittou Training Center yesterday.

The horse has been back from refreshing and trained aiming for the Hanshin Dai-shouten run this weekend, a prep race for the marathon race, Tennousho (Spring) at the end of April.

Wonder why the media are so quiet, though. Orfevre has earned four grade-ones in his third year while Deep Impact had lost in Arimakinen and won only three when he was three years old.

The End


3/16  Touching Story

3:03 p.m. JoOusama is doing a volunteer at language learning group for Chinese. A couple of days ago, when they discussed about the Great East Japan Earthquake in class, one of the learners who had to walk home from train station far from home, stood up to tell his or her story.

He(She) said that the train had stopped still far from home and he(she) was terrified. In the car, all the passengers, mostly Japanese, went silent for a long time. After a brief announcement that there had been an earthquake, to his(her) surprise, people started passing around what little snacks and bottled drinks they had with them, thinking it could become a long night. He she was very surprised and touched when everybody only took a small bite or a little sip, so that there would be at least a little for all of the passengers. Later, all the passengers were guided out of the train car and forced to walk home, but some of the Japanese walking in the same direction had talked to him(her), helping him(her) with directions which was very much encouraging.

Very touching story. Yes, we help each other. Omoiyari(warm-hearted consideration) has been an important part of our culture. The story made me feel a bit proud to be Japanese.

The End


3/17  Omoiyari for Smokers

1:52 p.m. Speaking of Omoiyari(warm-hearted consideration), that reminds me of the time when I was taking a break near a JR station. It was a rainy and colld evening. I stopped at the smoking area outside the station to have a smoke. A couple of smokers were there, putting up umbrellas and shivering in the cold.

As I lit my cigarret, I noticed a signboard put up next to the big disposing box. It said, "Omoiyari for non-smokers." Then what about Omoiyari for smokers? Couldn't they have at least put up a roof for us?

The End


3/18  Unforgettable

1:28 p.m. Oh, god, it's raining! Got to get my towels inside. Thought the sky would hold for a few more hours but...

3:12 p.m. Orfevere's odds are 1.1 to one. Convincing, since other competitors are no match for him.

3:37 p.m. Oh my god. What an unforgettable race (Hanshin Dai-shouten). Am not sure what went wrong and eneded up in such a performance, though I won't forget this race for the rest off my life.

The End


3/19  Won't Be Left Out

3:20 p.m. The unexpected performance of Orfevre going off the course is stirring up horse race fans. What was the jockey doing, didn't the trainer prepare the horse for the race, was the training enough and affective, furthermore, wasn't that race a fix.

Well, think it's very natural for such comments to be splattered all over causing a flurry of speculation. But one thing we're all certain is that Orfevre has incredible speed and stamina. Have written a couple of days ago that Orfevre is not gathering as much attention of the media as he should be. Now he won't have to worry about being left out.

The End


3/20  No Overtime

6:43 p.m. Since it was the vernal equinox day and it's common in Japanese culture to visit family graves, I decided to pay a visit to the temple where Obaba's been put to burial beside my grandfather, a little more than a week ago. But I'd been too caught up in my weekend python programming that it was past 4:30 when I left the house. Think it was around five when I got to the temple's entrance.

The gates were closed. So those Buddhist monks don't want to work overtime though more people could be visiting than usual. Great.

The End


3/21  As Scheduled

1:47 p.m. Apparently, Orfevre is going to participate in the spring Ten-nou Sho as previously scheduled. Have just read the news. The horse must go through a re-training program and a review by the JRA though, some time after April 2nd.

The Internet news didn't say anything about the jockey and I wonder if Ikezoe is going to be replaced. I think that's where everyone's interest lies. As for the horse's condition, the news reported that Orfevre is in good shape and full of energy, despite Sunday's unexpected breakaway.

The End


3/22  He PAASssssed!

2:19 p.m. Good news was brought. One of the boys I was helping to improve his English skills has passed the entry exam for a university. It wasn't his first choice, but still, a pass is a pass.

I've been worrying about the outcome of his enetering exam for the past few weeks, so am very much relieved and happy. I'll probably wear this stupid grin on my face all day long today. Who cares if someone sees me and think I'm crazy.

The End


3/23  Blossom of Youth

2:42 p.m. The boy came today to report his success. He seemed, well, to me, glowing with pride.

We agreed for a dinner some time later, to celebrate both his success for the entry exam and his entry of the university. He left after a while for a driving school he's going to obtain a driver's license. Mmm. Blossom of youth.

The End


3/24  International Bankers

3:30 p.m. One of Cow's client had given us a copy of his printed research on international bankers, apparently, either self-published for enjoyment or, written as part of his acadmic career trying to become, well, perhaps, an instructor or something.

Have finally finished the book which turned out to be rather interesting, despite a litany of paragraphs that contained the same information. I especially enjoyed the obvious and harmless misused characters, such as "Rockefefa" instead of "Rockefeller," which seemed to appear at least once in every seventy to a hundred pages, just when I was about to give up reading.

The End


3/25  Takamatsu-no-miya Kinen

7:08 p.m. The season's second grade one race, Takamatsu-no-miya Kinen was held today at the renewed Chukyo Race Tracks.

The winner was Karen-chan, las year's Sprinters' Stakes champion. Aww. I've got betting tickets for all the horses within fifth place except Karen-chan... Was secretly hoping that Majin Prosper would hang on in third, since he's one of the few offsprings of Admire Cozzene that made its way up to grade one, but he finished fifth. Well, he might get another chance at Yasuda Kinen.

The End


3/26  Let's-Stay-In-The-Back-Syndrome

3:44 p.m. The renewal of Chukyo Race Tracks seems to have prooved by the victory of Karen-chan, that there would be more horses to win both Sprinters' Stakes and Takamatsu-no-miya Kinen, due to the upward slope added to the renewed homestretch.

While I was wondering how close the course would be to Nakayama, a horse called Neko Punch (literally, cat pawing) has run all the way in Nikkeisho, a prep race for the spring Tennousho, defeating all the big names such as Ruler Ship and Win Variation. I really think something ought to be done about that let's-stay-in-the-back-syndrome.

The End


3/27  Isn't She Shrewd

3:01 p.m. Have received e-mail from my friend in Germany requesting us old friends to "Take me out to a cherry blossom viewing party!"

It's been relatively cool this year as the end of March, and the cherry blossoms are mostly still in buds here in Tokyo, except for some precocious ones. If the forecast is guessing right, though, the temperature might go up a little after tomorrow and might bring the cherry blossoms in full bloom by the time my friend arrives at the beginning of next week. Oooh, isn't she shrewd.

The End


3/28  Loyal Wolves

2:30 p.m. There's a zoo in Norway where they temporarily take care of wild wolves that need our help to survive. Anita was looking after these wolves but had to go away for a few months. Here's a movie of the time when she returned. Reunion between Anita and the wolves.

See how the wolves greet her? A lot of people ask me for favors, most of them forgetting that I'd took the trouble after some time. Wish they'd learn a bit from these wolves.

The End


3/29  Oshi Hiroshima

3:00 p.m. Japanese comedian, Hiroiki Ariyoshi has become tourism ambassador of his hometown Hiroshima. Having over a million followers, he is now ranked third in Twitter's follower ranking only to Masayoshi Song of SoftBank and Gachapin (popular character in kids program). At the drop of a hat, he's made a video promoting Hiroshima called, "Oshi, Hiroshima."

"Oshi" means something like "close" or "almost" in Japanese. The video is enjoyable, probably because it's not high quality but actually, quite "Oshi."

The End


3/30  Cat Jumps that Failed

6:03 p.m. Have been tied up in meetings all afternoon, but managed to take a glimpse of this series of cat jumps that didn't succeed.

Couldn't help laughing. Guess that's why these creatures are so loveable.

The End


3/31  Another Guilty Dog

3:32 p.m. Following the world's most guilty dog Denver which I've put a link to the other day, I've come across another guilty dog, so am leaving a link to it. Pug Gets Punished, Acts Innocent.

It kind of reminds me of the Akiko (sister of Hyuma) in the Anime, Kyojin no Hoshi.

Oops. I almost forgot but the world's highes prized race was going to be run in Dubai tonight (Japan time). Let's see how Smart Falcon would perform.

The End
